An Online Ancestral Connections Immersion® with Sian Palmer and Tanja Meyburgh – Gateways



15th and 16th March 2025, ONLINE, 10am – 5pm CAT

Join Ancestral Connections as we move through the gateways of our lives from birth to childhood to adulthood to death.

This journey enables us to discover what we have and need, to find the key, open the door and step into the next phase of life… perhaps even catching a glimpse of the gifts and treasures that await.

As modern people we have lost traditions of rites of passage and have forgotten the importance of marking moments in time that present a threshold experience. Our Ancestors knew the ways of assisting us through these passages in time in a way that allowed us to deepen and grow into our psychological and spiritual journey through this lifetime.

In Gateways through ritual and rites of passage processes you will are supported in your transitioning; witnessed by those who have made these journeys before: our ancient and ancestral seekers.

Who is this for:

  • This workshop is for both the lay person and professional wanting to develop and further their relationship with their physical body, and finding embodied ways to resource themselves
  • It appeals to those who are interested in exploring their interconnected relationship with themselves, their families and loved ones, humanity and the land.
  • Constellations and conscious dance facilitators are invited to join us for further learning, and to inspire and deepen their work.


Sian has worked across South Africa and Europe with elders, in hospitals, schools and prisons, helping people connect to themselves through movement and drama. Sian is passionate about a holistic approach to healing and growth; recognizing the importance of connecting with roots and ancestral lineages, being in community, accessing nature as a resource and tapping in to our innate creativity. Sian Palmer is the Co-Founder of Ancestral Connections® and the Founder of Expressive Movement South Africa. Sian has practiced as a registered Drama and Movement Therapist (MA University of London) since 2009. In 2015, Sian trained in Family Constellations and co-founded Ancestral Connections® in 2016.



Tanja Meyburgh, founder of African Constellations, is a renowned Family and Systems Constellations trainer and supervisor for 21 years and is a regular contributor to the international conferences and publications in this field. She is known for her inclusion of land, embodiment, collective work, and inclusion of marginalised voices in her systemic work. Tanja provides a creative and experiential learning space that brings a sense of soul and spirit in a psychologically grounded way.

Her interest in self-growth, personal & collective ritual and embodiment supports her to hold a broad and deep container for clients’ personal and professional process.


15th and 16th March 2025, ONLINE, 10am – 5pm CAT

Investment: £225 (R5173,62) earlybird (ends 31 Dec 2024) / £240 (R5518,53) full price

*Ancestral Connections students receive 10% off full price

To apply, visit



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